Point of Sale (POS) Software Vendors
Any chance to get rid of the penny, arguably, resides with the POS software
companies. The POS software companies are the gatekeepers of this cultural
shift. Millions of merchants out across the US landscape have counter staff
handling customer transactions hundreds of thousands of times a day. These
merchants are not going to make a move away from the penny without their
computers and cash registers telling what price the customer should pay.
Transaction charges that balance with the day's receipts.
* Except where noted, Lists below were last updated March 2016. *
To get rid of the penny, merchants are going to need a
Point-Of-Sale (POS) software system to help them at the counter.
Where as the majority of POS programs out there on the market
are hard coded to round only to the penny, ... these POS
Software vendors offer products that support the ability to
set your POS software to round off to a denomination other
than the penny.
Microsoft Dynamics RMS
[ Source: Sales Dept ]
Biz Tracker POS
[ Source: Jim Eldred - President - Unverified ]
Cash Register Express
[ Source: Website - Verified ]
POS Software
[ Source: Website - Verified ]
Regit POS
[ Source: Website - Verified ]
Instant POS
[ Source: Website - Verified ]
[ Source: Tech Support - Unverified ]
1: No Global Configuration.. only per customer or per category
If your company makes a POS software product that supports rounding transaction totals (after taxes) to a
coin denomination greater than a penny and would like to have it listed here,
just send us a note. Listing is currently free of charge. If you include certified product documentation
describing in detail how your product can be configured
to round off transaction totals (after taxes) to coin denominations other than a penny, we will make your listing as "verified".
These POS Software vendors/products DO NOT offer support for rounding transaction totals (after taxes) to denominations other than the penny.
- KampSight (US version) ®
- Wasp ® [ Source: Daniel Dean - Inside Sales Consultant ]
- Shopkeep ® [ Source: Online Customer Support - Mar 2015 ]
We have not heard from/about these POS Software vendors/products.
- ABS Point of Sale ®
- AIMsi ®
- Aldelo ®
- AmberPOS ®
- Amigo POS ®
- Bepoz POS ®
- Booker ®
- Bluegrass for Windows ®
- Brightpearl ®
- CMS Professional POS ®
- Cougar Moutain POS ®
- Denali Premium POS ®
- Everest Advanced Edition ®
- Fabricare Manager ®
- Fabric Store POS ®
- Gotmerchant.com ®
- Halo POS ®
- HP POS ®
- INTEGRA e-business ®
- Interprise Suite ®
- Intuit QuickBooks POS ®
- LightSpeed POS ®
- Like Sew POS ®
- Microsoft Dynamics RMS ®
- Microsoft Retail Management System ®
- MultiFlex RMS Fashion ®
- NCR Counterpoint POS ®
- NetSuite POS ®
- Paladin ®
- PixelPoint POS ®
- Paladin ®
- PayGo POS ®
- POS Nation POS ®
- POS Profit Systems ®
- POSitive ®
- PremierWireless ®
- Proxis Software ®
- Radiant Systems ®
- Restaurant Manager POS ®
- Retail-Man POS ®
- Retail+Plus ®
- Retail Pro ®
- RetailSTAR ®
- Revel Systems ®
- RockSolid POS ®
- Point OS ®
- ProphetLine for Windows ®
- RQ Retail Management ®
- Run(it) ®
- Sage BusinessVision 50 Accounting ®
- Salon Iris ®
- Shop Right Plus ®
- Shopify ®
- SimpleConsign ®
- Smartwerks_USA ®
- Springboard Retail ®
- SysPro 6.0 ®
- Toast POS ®
- TouchBistro ®
- Trax Distribution ®
- Vital Link POS ®
- Visual Retail Plus ®
- Windward System Five ®
- York Software POS ®
... and possibly, lots of others. Check with Software Advice or
Point Of Sale