"Get Rid Of The Penny" - Links
If you have a little time on your hands, read all about the end of the penny issue on these sites.
Web Page Links
- 2025 -
Trump calls on the Federal Treasury to stop minting pennies [February 10th 2025]
- 2020 -
Why Should the Penny Be Retired?, IvyPanda [December 24th 2020]
Why America Should Get Rid of the Penny, The Balance [November 4th 2020]
Will the Penny Survive Coronavirus? Some Hope Not!, The New Your Times [July 29th 2020]
Abolish the Penny Essay!, The Penny Essay [May 25th 2020]
- 2018 -
The US Mint lost $69 million making pennies last year! Quartz (U.S.Treasury) [Jun3 29, 2018]
7 Reason to Get Rid of the Penny? Saturday Evening Post) [May 23, 2018]
- 2016 -
Why Doesn’t the United States (Finally) Get Rid of the Penny? The New Your Times [October 10, 2016]
Is it time to abolish the penny? FOX Business (Money Tips) [June 20, 2016]
Want to help the environment? Get Rid of Stupid Penny. ACSH.com [June 17, 2016]
Should We Get Rid Of The Penny? LawStreetMedia.com [May 28, 2016]
TD Baml dumping penny archade coin machines? Money.com [May 20, 2016]
How Much Does it Really Cost (the Planet) to Make a Penny? Smithsonian.com [May 18, 2016]
Even the U.S.Treasury Want to Scrap the Penny? Money.com [April 20, 2016]
2 Orange County Stores to stop using Pennies. ABC7 [January 1, 2016]
- 2015 -
Critics Wonder Whether Pennies Make Sense Anymore? NPR [November 26 2015]
Should Treasury Ditch the Penny? The Wall Street Journ - Real Time Economics [November 24 2015]
Should We Get Rid of the Penny? Money Crashers [September 2015]
- 2014 -
Should the United States Stop Using Pennies? WiseGeek.com [December 25 2014]
Can We All Just Agree That Pennies Are Stupid And Need To Be Retired? Huffington Post - Politics [Updated Dec 15 2014]
Saving the penny makes cents for the zinc-backed front group [July 2 2014]
Top 10 Things You Didn't Know About the Penny. TIME, Inc. [Mar 26, 2014]
Should America Get Rid of the Penny? News for the classroom [Feb 1 2014]
- 2013 -
A Message to Obama And Congress: Kill the Cent and Save a Pretty Penny! MoneyNews [Sept 1 2013]
Is the US Getting rid of the Penny? Aug 1 2013]
Is the US getting rid of the penny? Jul 31 2013]
Does getting rid of the penny make cents? Mar 15 2013]
Is the penny going away? Not yet
USA Today, Mar 03 2013
Penny pinching: Can Obama manage elimination of one-cent coin?? MSN [Feb 19 2013]
Is President Obama gunning for the penny? MSN [Feb 15 2013]
Penny Wise: Time to Kill the One-Cent Coin? Policy+Politics [Feb 15 2013]
Obama suggests he's open to getting rid of the penny MSN [Feb 14 2013]
The Penny Debate, Should the U.S. get rid of the penny? [Feb 8 2013]
Phasing Out The Penny: Will The US Treasury Get Rid Of The One-Cent Piece?! Feb 4 2013]
Should the U.S. kill the penny? CNN Feb 4 2013]
Penny no longer makes sense! Feb 2 2013]
- 2012 -
The Cent Makes No Sense, VT Store Bans Pennies [Sep 26 2012]
The US penny: Should it be scrapped? (BBC) [Jul 3 2012]
Don't Mess With The Penny Lobby! [Apr 11 2012]
Please, Finally, End the Penny [Apr 4 2012]
Death of the penny? [Apr 2 2012]
Canada's Penny Is No More! Is the U.S. Penny Next? [Mar 30 2012]
It's time to eliminate the penny [Feb 21 2012]
Clinging to penny's existence makes no sense [Feb 27 2012]
The Penny Debate - Should We Keep the Penny or Get Rid of It?
- 2011 -
A pile of pennies: Does a business have to accept coins? [Jun 9 2011]
- 2010 -
When It Comes to the Penny, Washington Makes No Sense [Dec 29 2010]
Penny Should Be Scrapped - US Senate Panel [Dec 14 2010]
Save the penny or leave the penny? [Dec 15 2010]
Financial Burden of the Penny [Jun 21 2010]
- 2009 -
Making No Cents [Dec 16 2009]
Pennies Not Accepted [July 31, 2009]
Parade Magazine .. What does a penny cost? [Apr 5 2009]
- 2008 -
Penny Dreadful .. They're horrid and useless! [Mar 31 2008]
Should we make Cents? [Feb 7 2008]
Should we eliminate the penny? [Feb 2 2008]
- 2007 -
Should We Stop Using The Penny? [Feb 15 2007]
Should the penny go? [Feb 15 2007]
Should the penny be retired? [May 7 2007]
The End of the Penny [Aug 27 2007]
- 2006 -
Ditch the penny? [Oct 30 2006]
The Penny Stops Here! [Sep 25, 2006]
It is time to kill off the ubiquitous penny. [Aug 30 2006]
The Penny's End Is Near [Jul 19 2006]
Why keeping the penny no longer makes sense [Jul 11 2006]
Making cents of the penny debate [Jun 24 2006]
Making cents of the penny debate [Jun 24 2006]
Are You a Penny Picker-Upper? [Feb 23 2006]
- 2005 -
No more pennies! [2005]
- 2001 -
America the penniless? [Jul 17 2001]
- 1998 -
Does it make sense to keep minting pennies? [Oct 9 1998]
- Unknown dates -
Penny Facts
Get Rid of the Penny
Discussion Forums
Huffington Business Post
Video Links
Is a Penny worth a Penny?
John Green Askes President Obama
John Oliver Worthless Penny Rant
Time to Retire the Penny
John Green - on getting rid of the penny
John Green - on getting rid of the penny
End of the Penny
End of the Penny
Pat Martin talks about the end of the penny
Death TO Pennies
Support Jiminy Copperstopper to End the Penny
End of Canadian Penny - Jan 30 2013
Feb 4th 2013, End of Canadian Penny. - Jan 7 2013
Should We Get Rid of The Penny?
Pull the Plug on Pennies
Getting Rid Of the Penny"
Death of the Penny"
Song.. "The Penny Song and The End"
Should America Ditch The Penny"
C.G.P.Grey on Death to Pennies
C.G.P.Grey on Yeah Canada
Build a floor out of pennies
End is near for the penny in Canada - Feb 5 2013
Should we get rid of the Penny
Audio Links
Prof Robert M Whaples, Professor of Economics, Wake Forest Univ - Penny Free Purchasing [Aug 21 2006]
Other Uses
Build a floor out of pennies
Penny Numismatics
Build a pyramid out of pennies #1
Build a pyramid out of pennies #2
Canada's FAQ
This is the FAQ published by Canada when they stopped using the Penny back in Feb 4th, 2013. We would expect the US to publish a similar FAQ for American's when the time comes.
Canadian FAQ
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